The Fool

Upright: Calculated Risk, Taking a Leap of Faith, Time to plan for a time of optimism, Innocence, Youthfulness, Risk , New beginnings

Reversed: A Leap to Far, Irresponsibility, Improper Planning, Lack of Awareness, Irrationality

The inspiration for the card art: As a lot of people’s first fish, people are often misinformed about the care Betta fish need, leaving many newcomers into the hobby, caring for a surprisingly difficult fish. The way this relates to the Fool card is in the calculated or uncalculated risk of researching first or getting one of these fish on impulse. Bettas need a filter, a tank of at least 10 gallons, sand substrate, live plants, entertainment, places to rest and hide, and in most cases a heater. They can be case by case depending on the length of their fins and how much that hinders their ability to swim. These are fish that are very personable with big personalities that can be very rewarding. It’s not a beginner’s fault for thinking that Betta’s are so easy either, as there is a lot of misinformation about their care. It's widely believed that Bettas breathe air from the surface meaning they are perfect low-maintenance bowl fish.


The Magician