Wine Cap and Pyrite

Wine Cap and Pyrite-

Element - Earth and Fire

Astrological Sign - Leo , Capricorn, Aquarius

Wine Cap is an edible mushroom that has started to be cultivated. It has a wide distribution. It's a very large mushroom and often appears in wood-chipped gardens.

Pyrite, also known as fool's gold, is a metalloid mineral containing iron. It comes in many shapes although it's crystaline form is most often cubic in nature. Metaphysically, Pyrite represents growth, strength and willpower as well as regeneration.

This card's message is of durability. The ability to see things through when you need to most. You may be going though a rough time right now, but this card, upright shows that it's important at the moment to hold your ground and stick it out. This gives you time to either get through it , or atleast plan your next move. This card could also mean not making too hasty of a decision.

If this card appears reversed, it means that it is the time to make a decision. Hopefully, this is something you've been thinking about for a while and are prepared to do and carry out. If you feel unprepared, perhaps that is the way this has to be carried out. When you are asked, you should trust your answer. Remember .... Waiting is still a decision and that could be the answer. However it may not be , you may already know what you need to do.


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