Earth Star and Agate

Earth Star and Agate -

Element - Earth

Astrological Sign - All

Earth Star this is an interesting small family of mushrooms that when young look similar to puff balls. When they mature the fruiting body splits open into this mushrooms unique star shape. The center is similar to a Puff Ball and spreads it spores in a similar manner.

Agate is a unique member of the quartz family, boasting beautiful bands that can come in every color. In Metaphysical walks Agate is known as a grounding stone although some agates carry special meetings of there own. Agate itself is very diverse.

This cards message is a message to reconnect with nature. To go out and enjoy the sun, the wind, the rain and all of the trees and creatures on this beautiful planet. Go on a hike or just walk barefoot through your yard. It may offer you some mental clarity or just some good old fashioned emotional healing. If outside isn't easily obtainable, watch a nature documentary. It's time to reconnect to the planet.

If this card appears reversed it means much the same as the upright meaning, although it could show some longing to get back out into nature. Maybe you've felt cooped up on to many nice days, or you find yourself living in an urban area and nature just seems out of reach. Remember you can reconnect with the earth in as small or as large of a way as you would like. As small as opening the window or as large as taking a trip to a park.


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