Wrinkled Peach and Rhodochrosite

Wrinkled Peach and Rhodochrosite-

Element - Fire, Water, Earth

Astrological Sign - Scorpio and Leo

Wrinkled Peach Mushroom is a rare unique pink mushroom that grows Circumboreal across North America, Europe, Northern Africa and Asia. It is not considered edible and is endangered in many of the places in its growth ring. Wrinkled Peach is considered a rare sight.

Rhodochrosite is a gemstone in the Calcite Family. It is a pink to bright red colored crystal forming in massive , stalactite and terminated formations. It even in some cases forms beautiful flower like formations that appear like roses. Rhodochrosite is not often faceted (though it can be facet quality) as it's gem quality often only shows in its more rare terminated form, which is most valuable whole, and cutting it often reduces its value. In the Metaphysical Community Rhodochrosite is often considered a quintessential stone for the heart chakra, believed to foster self-love and healing from emotional trauma, as well as bringing about romance.

This cards message a rare kind of love is coming, that love may be a friendship, closeness with a family member, a partnership, a romance, or the most valuable love of all, self-love. This card doesn't nessisarily mean that any of these things are new in your life but it does denote that feelings will be shared and the love you put out will be received and reciprocated. It also could be a sign that traumas you hope to heal from are staring to heal and that it's time to rejoice in that. (but don't stop working on yourself.)

If this card appears reversed, it could show that lately you've been feeling a bit loveless or lonely. Maybe relationships you hold in your life have been a little lack luster (no matter the type) and this is a call to perhaps spice things up. Go out on a date, practice self care, invite over family or friends (Or just call them.) , bring the neighbors cookies, do whatever you feel like you need to show love in your life.


Plum and Custard Mushroom and Ethyrite