Pheasant Back and Tourmaline

Pheasant Back and Tourmaline -

Element - Earth and Fire

Astrological Sign - Aries, Libra, Virgo

Pheasant Back (also known as Dryad's Saddle) is a large edible polypore mushroom that grows in very wide distribution. Pheasant Back causes white rot in the heartwood of living and dead trees. Its fruiting bodies can be very large (up to 20 inches across) and are said to be best eaten when young and much smaller. Older fruits can be used to create paper.

Tourmaline is a beautiful and popular gem with a massively wide range of colors. It's popular because of its hardness and high color saturation making it both very collectable and suitable for jewelry. Due to its multicolor nature, Tourmaline's metaphysical meanings are quite versatile and usually depend on the colors that appear in the stone.

This cards message is a message of being dynamic. Spread your light wide but remember always that your opinions may not be always correct, even if you believe them strongly. Always be open to learning the other side of the story. Dynamic means both being strong and changeable. An open mind is a beautiful thing, both knowledgeable, wise, and willing to except and entertain changes of outlook and opinion.

If this card appears reversed, its message is that you may have forgotten the message above. Now may be a good time to listen and take in what's being said. It could also predict that you may receive news or need to have a conversation that directly opposes your opinion on certain topics. Be calm and listen to what's being said. You may learn something.


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