Violet Coral Fungus and Kunzite

Violet Coral Fungus and Kunzite-

Element - Earth and Water

Astrological Sign - Taurus, Scorpio, Leo

Violet Coral Fungus is a beautiful purple branching mushroom that can be found in forests of North America. It is a unique looking edible mushroom that's rumored to taste a little like cucumbers.

Kunzite is the purple,pink color of the crystal Spodumene. It has a bright energetic happy energy and as most pink stones it's regarded as a stone of love. It's also known as a stone of happiness and joy.

This cards message is a message of compassion in the sense of helping, caring , and action. Whatever you like to do to help others do it. Donate to a food bank, volunteer, give a gift , or lend a helping hand to a friend. Show kindness in any way that you can. Selflessness is a virtue that many nowadays overlook. This sign could also be a sign to be more active about the positive changes you wish to see in the world.

If this card appears reversed, it has mostly the same meaning as the upright card however it brings the message closer to home. It's a sign that you may be unintentionally neglecting those close to you, as maybe your life's just gotten busy and you haven't had time. Talk to the family and friends you've neglected to call or go visit them. Clean your house or maybe cook a special dinner... And most importantly have a conversation and listen to what's going on in others lives. This is a call to show a little love and appreciation to those you hold close to your own heart.


Pheasant Back and Tourmaline


Wood Blewit and Cubic Fluorite