Wood Blewit and Cubic Fluorite

Wood Blewit and Cubic Fluorite -

Element - Water, Spirit, and Air

Astrological Sign - Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius

Wood Blewit is a purplish edible woodland fungus, that agrees with most people (though some may be sensitive to them). They grow throughout Europe and North America and are said to boast a very floral aroma that is retained through cooking.

Cubic Fluorite is the terminated form of Fluorite, which comes in almost every color and many combinations of colors. It's very very diverse mineral, boasting a unique color or color combination as well as termination pattern variation for every mine it's found in. It's often known as a stone of knowledge and a stone for those with psychic or magical gifts.

This cards message is a message of diversity in life. Take heed to the in betweens, for that is where the magic lies. Magic is in the middle of what's creative and what's factual. It's the energetic fiber that connects all things. Part of that magic is in the diversity of everything. Like all of the colors and patterns that Fluorite occurs in, while they all bare differences they are all the same material. There is magic in that alone. Another wording of this card could be to find the magic in learning. Knowledge is part of power. When you find a topic, you really want to learn about. It occupies your mind with all it's nuances and it's... Diversity. You pick up on it's magic that way. This is a call to find that topic, learn a skill or a subject that fuels your inner passion and embrace the magic of a topic you love.

If this card appears reversed, this could mean that lately you've just been coasting. You haven't been interested in much lately and have kind of just been drifting. While this is ok for a while, eventually life will loose it's luster and magic. If this card appears reversed, it's a call to find that interest again and open yourself up to new ideas and wonder. Find life's magic again, even if it's a small as noticing the difference in the color of the flowers.


Violet Coral Fungus and Kunzite


Viscid Violet Cort and Sugailite