Viscid Violet Cort and Sugailite

Viscid Violet Cort and Sugilite-

Element - fire, spirit

Astrological Sign - Pisces, Virgo, Leo

Viscid Violet Cort is a beautiful deep purple mushroom with contrasting streaks of white on its cap. Its growth range is through the Americas ranging from North to South America. It is associated with Oak trees.

Sugilite is a purple, pink and blue stone that is incredibly rare. It remains one of the most sought after gemstones in the world, leading to its very expensive price tag. Sugilite is known as a stone of power and confidence as well as a nurturing spiritual healer.

This cards message is a message of self-confidence. It calls for you to be bold, royal, and uniquely you. Don't be afraid to be your extra, over the top self. Hold yourself with grace and beauty, and confidence will follow. Make them believe that you float not walk.

If this card appears reversed, it shows that you may need to work on your self-confidence. Whether you've been really down on your self lately, or so over the top you've forgotten about those around you, It's time to put your ego in check.


Wood Blewit and Cubic Fluorite


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