Amethyst Deceiver and Amethyst

Amethyst Deceiver and Amethyst-

Element - Spirit and Fire

Astrological Sign - Aries, Aquarius, Cancer

Amethyst Deceiver is a beautiful purple mushroom that is small in stature. It grows in coniferous and deciduous forests mainly in northern temperate zones. This mushroom is one of the most well-known purple mushrooms.

Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz. It's one of the best-known purple stones and is often one of the first stones in a beginner witch or crystal collector's collection. Amethyst's meaning often encompasses serenity, creativity, imagination, grace, understanding and trust. It's also said to be a good stone for soothing emotions and promoting the breaking of negative habits.

This cards message is to embrace the memories of your inner child, and to let them run free with wild wonder. Let your imagination soar, absorb the mystery of the energies that surround you and take a moment to live there. Both these purple beings bring a sense of whimsy and humor and also a sense of grace and elegance. Now is the time to look beyond what's deemed as normal and find the magic in the mundane.

If this card appears reversed: It's possible that your being "to much" at the moment. Now it's never anyone's place to tell you that your "to much" but sometimes it needs to be said. Maybe you've been a bit flighty and scattered, or unable to focus. Now is the time to take some time to focus on your inner grace and learn that there is a time and a place to run wild. This doesn't mean to let go of the fun loving inner child, but to perhaps work a bit on tempering that inner wildness, for your own sake.

This card reversed could also mean that you or someone you know is struggling with a negative habit that you,they may need assistance with. Don't be afraid to talk about it.


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