Schizophyllum and Charoite

Schizophyllum and Charoite-

Element - All

Astrological Sign - Scorpio, Pisces and Sagittarius

Schizophyllum is also known as the Split-Gill fungus because of the unique divided nature of its gills, creating it's delicate fractal appearance. It's found across the world on sickly hardwood trees and is said to have one of the widest distributions, found on every constant but Antarctica.

Charoite is a uniquely beautiful purple stone that is streaked with shimmering pearlescent flowy fibers. It is reported only from Russia. In Metaphysics Charoite represents deep emotional healing, calmness and transformation.

This cards message is a message of emotional healing. It's a call to bring up passed traumatic wounds and to heal from them. This can be a difficult process and may take finesse but healing from those emotional wounds can help you to grow to be strong and resilient.

If this card appears reversed, it shows that the problem has less to do with emotional wounds you have acquired over the years and has more to do with outlook. Try looking to the little bits of happiness that surround you, the people you love and the things you are.


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