Bird's Nest Fungus and Petrified Wood

Birds Nest Fungus and Petrified Wood-

Elements - Earth

Zodiac - Virgo and Leo

Bird's Nest fungus is a small mushroom that resembles an egg filled bird's nest. It is often found on decaying wood and soils enriched with wood chips or bark mulch. They have a wide distribution and occur almost everywhere. Instead of having spores like most fungus, Bird's Nest has dark round and large by size comparison peridioles. These peridioles have a hardened shell and are dispersed by water.

Petrified Wood is wood that has undergone fossilization, and often the replacement mineral is in the quartz family. It's been found in a wide range of minerals and had been found all over the world. Petrified Wood's meaning in the Metaphysical Community is of grounding and transformation.

This card's message is a message of resilience. Some points in our life require more strength than the average days, months or years. This card upright can show that you are in a period where great strength and resilience is required. This may be hard to maintain, but it's important to muster up all of your strength and make the decisions that are best for you in the long run. If this card appears reversed , it's a rare occurrence where the reversed meaning is more positive than the upright meaning.

This card reversed can show that the strength you have been showing is potentially coming to a close, and soon it may be time to let down your defenses. It can show that you've gone through a lot and that you may be tired at this point. It's a good time to ground and prepare yourself to wind back down.


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