Puff Ball and Creedite

Puff Ball and Creedite -

Element - Air and Spirit

Astrological Sign - Virgo, Libra

Puff Ball Mushroom is a ball that starts out white and sponged (some species are edible if they are white all the way through) , and gradually turns into a brown shriveled sac they when disturbed let's out a puff of spores which spread on the wind. It is widespread throughout the word and basically grows wherever it lands (though is most common in forests ). Puff Ball mushroom is sometimes seen as a symbol of life and rebirth.

Creedite is an oxidation of the Fluorite ore. It comes most commonly in a rusty orange color, but is also sometimes purple or colorless. It can also be seen as a symbol of rebirth, since it starts as fluorite and oxidizes into Creedite under the right conditions. Metaphysically, Creedite is often used to symbolize a freeing of the spirit and an uplifting of the soul. It's thought to rise vibration and connect those to a universal spiritual plane, and therefore is often used by energy workers. This card's message is one of rebirth and reflection. We live many lives in one lifetime. As is universal law, everything eventually comes to an end so that something new can begin.

This card in upright position shows that the end has come and that now is time for new beginnings. Now while this should be regarded as a positive thing duality suggests that it might not be, but it could be. If this card is in the present or future position it probably indicates that it's too soon to know if this rebirth is a positive and welcome change. Either way, it should be celebrated.

If this card appears reversed it means that a "life" is coming to an end. What I mean by life, is that it's the end of a period of time , an era. Being a good thing or a bad thing is still up in the air here. But your old "life" should also be reflected on , learned from , and celebrated. Something new can begin because of endings like this.


Orange Pore Mushroom and Wulfinite


Bird's Nest Fungus and Petrified Wood