Orange Pore Mushroom and Wulfinite

Orange Pore Mushroom and Wulfinite-

Element - Fire

Astrological Sign - Sagittarius

Orange Pore is a wood loving species of mushroom that is a known traveler. It's expanded its range from where it was first recorded in Madagascar and now is considered an invasive species in the paleo tropics. It colonizes routes along transport sites and can easily be moved accidentally by human intervention.

Wulfinite is a bright orange mineral from the lead family. Known for its gorgeous color, it's often prized by collectors. It is poisonous if cut or powdered, but the lead is generally stable in its crystalline form. In the Metaphysical Community, Wulfinite is known to promote balance, inspiration and processing of negative emotions.

This card's message is a sign to balance work and play. In its upright position, it could mean that you are working far too hard and not taking time for the things you enjoy most in life. This card also could mean that if you're planning on taking a trip, travel will go over well and the trip will go as planned.

If this card appears reversed, it could either mean that you have been playing too hard. This is a sign to slow down on the partying (or just to gather some focus) , and start some work on goals that would be auspicious to your life and livelihood. In its reversed position, it could also mean that travel plans may go wrong or have hang-ups.


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