Chicken of the Woods and Himalayan Salt

Chicken of the Woods and Himalayan Salt-

Element - All

Astrological Sign - Aquarius, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo

Chicken of the Woods is a wild edible mushroom famous for its chicken like flavor and texture. It's often found on the wounds of several kinds of trees in large brackets.

Himalayan Salt is salt from marine deposits that formed in Pakistan over 250 million years ago. This Salt is pink due to trace elements and has its uses in cooking as well as metaphysical uses such as purification.

This card's message is a message of physical health and well-being. It asks you to look at yourself, your diet , and the amount of exercise you're getting. Are you eating healthily enough? Maybe make try a new, different healthy recipe. Maybe this is a sign to pick up your exercise routine again, or even just go for a walk.

If this card appears reversed, it's a very similar message to the upright message. While this card doesn't predict health problems, reversed this could also show a need to break an unhealthy habit like too much sugar, lounging around too much, or even taking on too much at once.


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