Gold Tuft and Chrysoberyl

Gold Tuft and Chrysoberyl -

Element - Earth, Fire

Astrological Sign - Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn

Gold Tuft is a golden to bright orange colored mushroom with a spiny cap that's found in subtropical and tropical regions of the world. They feed on rotting wood of deciduous and coniferous trees.

Chrysoberyl is among the rarest gems in the world ( and its family includes the beautiful and highly coveted Alexanderite). Typically Chrysoberyl is yellow, brown or green and it's well known for its catseye light effect, which is naturally rare in the gem world. It's known as a stone of Duality and solar energy, bringing generosity , compassion , protection , new knowledge and the ability to see both sides of a situation.

This card's message is a message of wealth. Whatever you equate wealth to , it's coming to you. Whether that means new life experiences , happiness , or an end to financial troubles, good fortune in the realm of wealth is coming to you. This can also be a sign to seek appreciation of the value of the life that you live, or appreciate the wealth that you have accrued over the years of your life.

If this card appears reversed, it could mean that a time of great wealth is passing. While it is a sad thing , look back with fondness on all the memories you made and hold them close until the next period of good fortune. It could also, in some cases, warn of impending financial trouble ,and should be taken as a sign to start saving money for the times ahead.


Chantrelle and Amber


Chicken of the Woods and Himalayan Salt