Indigo Milk Cap and Smithsonite

Indigo Milk Cap and Smithsonite -

Element - Water, Air, Earth, Spirit

Astrological Sign - Virgo, Pisces, Gemini

Indigo Milk Cap is a Mushroom that bleeds blue. It has a wide distribution across the northern hemisphere growing in both coniferous and deciduous forests. It's a more rarely found edible wild mushroom, though some don't consider it very delicious due to its slightly bitter flavor and granular flesh consistency.

Smithsonite is a stone of many colors. Its crystal habits are very wide, and it can easily be confused for Hemimorphite, Blue Aragonite, Wulfenite or Cobaltoan Calcite. Smithsonite is in the Calcite Family, although it's not a Calcium Carbonate and is instead a Zinc Carbonate. It's most famous formation is "Turkey Fat" a botroydial formation that is given an unmistakable luster due to it being formed by very condensed fibrous spreads. In Metaphysical Walks it's often regarded as a stone for tempering emotions. It carries a very high and clear vibration. It's also regarded as a stone of universal love and compassion.

This cards message is a message of peace. It heralds in a time of relaxation and joy whether that be within your life or your own being. It's also a call to promote peace and understanding with others. By practicing peace and support, you can become one of the beacons of peace that the world so desperately needs.

If this card appears reversed this shows unrest and a lack of peace. This is a warning to go to your zen happy place and figure out how to be peaceful among the chaos. You may have to meditate tough conversations or situations and be the peace keeper for others. It's important to understand that peace is not always peaceful and sometimes usually has to be actively worked towards. Sometimes it's more of an outlook rather than a state of being.


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