Blue Pink Gill and Azurite

Blue Pink Gill and Azurite -

Element - Water, Air and Spirit

Astrological Sign - Scorpio, Aquarius, Sagittarius

Blue Pink Gill is a beautiful small deep blue mushroom that is native to New Zealand. It's Maori name is werewere kokako, named after the bright blue waddle of the Kokako bird. An important mushroom to New Zealand it is the National Mushroom and is on the 50 Dollar Note. It is the only mushroom featured on a banknote.

Azurite is the deepest blue member of the copper carbonate family. It is closely related to Malachite which is what Azurite eventually oxidizes into. Azurite has some historical significance in history, especially in its use as a paint pigment. It's thought that some of the greens in old paintings are actually oxidized blues due to the natural occurrence of Azurite oxidizing into green malachite in the paint over time. Azurite often is a symbol of trust, depth of thought, and spiritual mastery in the metaphysical community.

This cards message is a message of depth and trust. It's a call to look, breath and live deeply. Depth of thought is a very valuable thing. It leads to knowledge and creation as well as conversation with substance. Blue is known as a color of inspiration, calmness, and communication. So check your breathing. Take a few deep breaths and see what it does to your mind. Also, this card is a call to have the deep meaningful conversations that need to be had. This can be quite daunting as many people have a fear of deep connection. Trust and take a leap of faith, but think deeply about it first.

If this card appears reversed, it can signify treading water. Things don't seem to be moving quickly, and you feel like your in to deep. Take a few deep breaths and look for shore or clarity.


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