Bridal Stink Horn and Gypsum

Bridal Stink Horn and Gypsum-

Element - Air

Astrological Sign - Aries , Cancer , Libra , Virgo

Bridal Stinkhorn is a beautiful stinkhorn variety with a lacy veil descending from it's cap. This mushroom has a wide distribution in tropical climates across the world. This mushroom is commercially cultivated in China and is used both as a medicine and in cuisine.

Gypsum is a crystal of many forms and a few colors. Selenite , Dessert Rose , and Satin Spar are all different formations of Gypsum. Gypsum in metaphysical communities is typically closely related to the moon and the moon's power to cleanse.

This card's message is about ebb and flow. Just as the moon draws the tides in its dance with the earth , you must be keenly aware of the influence you have on the world around you. You do more than just exist in your own world , you also exist in the world of others. Human nature is to change your environment to suit your own needs. Human responsibility is to do that with the mindfulness that we are changing things not just for us but for those around us.

If this card appears reversed, it means the same as the upright card, but further drives in the need to think about the changes you make to your mental , emotional, spiritual and physical world. This card reversed can also show deception , or the choices that others are making affecting you.


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