Bolete and Polychrome Jasper

Bolete and Polychrome Jasper-

Element - Earth, Fire ,Water

Astrological Sign - Cancer , Aries , Virgo , Leo

Bolete is a well known wild edible mushroom, also going by the names Penny Bun , Porcino , or Porcini. It is native to forests of the Northern Hemisphere. Bolete is known to bioaccumulate environmental toxins, so it's wise to be cautious when picking wild ones to eat. This mushroom, although popular for wild mushroom dishes, is very hard to commercially cultivate.

Polychrome Jasper is the Sibling Stone to Ocean Jasper. This beautiful, artistically abstract colored Jasper also only hails from Madagascar. It is less rare than Ocean Jasper but has been found in the same vein as Ocean Jasper. This stone is often loved by stone carvers for it's many layers of bright and dark colors. Polychrome Jasper represents the transfer of energy in the Metaphysical Community as well as the sacred old energy of the earth, making it a good choice as a grounding stone.

This card's message is a message of healing. It's a message and a call to focus on healing. It could be for the earth in ways like reducing or picking up trash, working with conservation or reducing water and electricity use. It could pertain to your home , maybe get some of those home repairs done or give everything a good thorough deep clean. It could be your family or friends , give them a call , go do an activity or simply cook them a meal. This card shows a calling and a passion to put your energy into being a healing force and to lend that energy to others through that passion.

If this card appears reversed, it could mean that the healing you've been needing is coming to you. Someone deeply cares about you and for you and is trying to reach out, don't be ashamed to take that help when you need it. Don't be afraid to receive that love even if you don't feel like you deserve it ( remember that it could be an action for them to ). Humans may have a vast ability to change their environment, but they also have the ability to change and heal each other. Make sure you thank those for the love they've given you as well. They may not do it for the thanks, but it's something they would appreciate hearing.


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