Jack-o'-lantern and Hyalite

Jack-O'-Lantern and Hyalite -

Element - Water

Astrological Sign - Cancer , Pisces, Scorpio , Libra

Jack-O'-Lantern is a poisonous (but not often deadly ) bioluminescent mushroom that can often be confused for the delicious and edible Chantrelle. Jack-O'-Lantern are a bit more orange than Chantrelles are , and grow from wood in forested areas, often in clusters. It's glow can be seen in low light areas when eyes have become adapted to the dark.

Hyalite Opal is a unique member of the Opal family. It grows in the most unique clear botroydial fashion , often appearing quite glassy. Hyalite comes in 2 main colors; colorless and fluorescent green. Green owes it's color to Uranium, much like a natural Uranium Glass. Hyalite Opal doesn't have "Fire" like other precious Opals, but due to it's unique bright fluorescent properties, it has earned the nickname of Kryptonite. It is radioactive , but is not considered to be dangerously so.

This card's message is a message of hidden truths. This doesn't necessarily mean lies outright when this card is in upright position, but it does indicate that something is being hidden that may require more research or digging to find that truth. It's a message of "Everything is not what it seems". In the upright position, it indicates something. Another meaning of this card might be that your looking for hidden truths ( or expecting the worst ) of something that may not be as bad as it seems.

If this card appears reversed, then it very much means smoke screens and dishonesty. Something is being hidden from you that maybe shouldn't be. It can also indicate that your hiding something from yourself or burying something that may just be best to deal with in a more healthy manner than ignoring the problem and locking it away.


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