Mycena and Autunite

Mycena and Autunite-

Element - Spirit and Earth

Astrological Sign - Gemini , Leo , Capricorn , Pisces

Mycena is an order of fungi, some of which are bioluminescent. The main one noted is Mycena Chlorophos. These small mushrooms commonly grow on deadfall in tropical environments, most notably in Asia, and at night produce a faint green glow.

Autunite is a beautiful bright green crystal composed of oxidized uranium. It is often used as Uranium Ore. It is brightly fluorescent under long wave and short wave uv light. This mineral doesn't have much to say about metaphysical uses and is not common in collections due to its radioactive nature.

This card's message is a message of radiance. It's to embrace and spread your glow and to shine like the star you are. This card can show good luck and success in work or social affairs , as well as a great amount of charisma.

If this card appears reversed, it can show toxicity,whether this is read as someone being toxic in your life , a toxic work environment , or a toxic attitude or outlook. It may be time to figure out where that toxicity lies or to look at it from a different angle. It could also be a sign to cut toxicity from your life.


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