Death Cap and Moldavite

Death Cap and Moldavite -

Element - Earth , Air , Spirit

Astrological Sign - All/Any

Death Cap is one of the most poisonous mushrooms of the Amanita family (and of all mushroom species). Native to Europe, this light yellow-green and large mushroom is now spreading due to the cultivation of non-native trees such as oak , chestnut , and pine.

Moldavite is now world renowned as the "big baddy" of the crystal world. It's a specific tektite , a glass formed from the impact of a meteor that crashed down in Southern Germany approximately 14.7 million years ago. Moldavite is known as a stone of immense change , said to be able to drag you ( not always painlessly ) to the path you need to be on to better your life and evolve yourself. It has a lot of Mystic around it as many hold it in a powerful light.

This card's message is one of the extreme changes and shifts in your life. It's a sign that everything you have built could fall. It's a sign to take notice of the fragile web of balance that connects all things and how easily broken it is. Although this card seems negative, the message should be processed with positivity and hope. Things change, it's a fact of life , and when everything seems like it's coming crashing down, keep your chin up, you get to rebuild new after all is said and done.

If this card appears reversed, it could be taken much the same as the card's upright, meaning. However it's reversal is met seemingly with positivity. Look at it as falling in reverse. Everything seems to be defying, gravity. What you've built is still falling around you, it's just slower , more drug out , which is giving you a chance to think and minimize the damage that is being dealt.


Parrot Wax Cap and Dioptase


Mycena and Autunite