Parrot Wax Cap and Dioptase

Parrot Wax Cap and Dioptase -

Element - Air , Water

Astrological Sign - Libra , Pisces , Taurus , Scorpio , Virgo , Sagittarius

Parrot Wax Cap is a slimy , small, and very colorful mushroom that goes through phases of green , yellow , orange and red as it grows. It's found across northern Europe. It's considered by some to be edible although it's mostly considered too slimy to be palatable.

Dioptase is a rare member of the copper family. It boasts an absolutely unreal, not quite teal but not quite green color. This beautiful high-color crystal is beloved by collectors for its normally well terminated and lusterous crystals. Metaphysically, Dioptase represents healing from emotional traumas and also Karma.

This card's message is a message of Karma. It's a reminder of what goes around comes around. In its upright position, it's a good indicator that healing from hardships and long-awaited gifts are coming or being celebrated. The energy you've been putting out has been seen and is coming back to you.

If this card appears reversed, it means negative karma. You are about to see the consequences of your actions. This should be seen as a bit of a warning, but not much can be done about the karmatic forces of the universe. All you can really do is take what comes as it comes and try to do better. It's important to remember that showing positivity through hard times sometimes gets us to better places.


Green Quilted Russula and Malachite


Death Cap and Moldavite