White Basket Fungus and Feldspar

White Basket Fungus and Feldspar-

Element - Air and Earth

Astrological Sign - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Capricorn, Taurus

White Basket Fungus is a very unique fungus that's edible when immature but inedible once matured into it's expanded branching ball type form. This mushroom is found in Australia and New Zealand

Feldspar is one of the largest groups of minerals on the planet consisting of a few distinct types. Moonstone, Amazonite, Labradorite and Sunstone all belong to this family of minerals. In the Metaphysical Community Feldspar's general properties are clarity of thought, cooperation and understanding

This cards message is growth. It shows that you are going through a period of growth, or transformation. It could also show a change leading to one of several life paths, there may be a conscious choice or an unconscious decision when it comes to choosing one of these paths. The cards upright position shows a smooth transition towards the growth you are trying to achieve.

If this card appears reversed it means much the same as the upright card, but it shows that the growth isn't as smooth as it would be upright, expect some hang-ups along the way. Something has to be said though for growing with resistance as we often grow more in the face of adversity.


Porcelain Fungus and Scolecite