Porcelain Fungus and Scolecite

Porcelain Fungus and Scolecite-

Element - Spirit and Air

Astrological Sign - Aquarius , Libra , Sagittarius and Taurus

Porcelain Fungus is a delicate white translucent fungus that occurs on beech trees through our Northern Europe ( most commonly in Britain and Ireland ). It releases a natural fungicide so that it gets no competition from other fungi on the beech wood it inhabits. When it grows on trees it always rotates itself so that it's gills always face downward.

Scolecite is a thin fragile fibrous member of the Zeolite family. It often forms in sprays of needles and can be found in cavities of Basalt.

This cards message is a message of fragility. Sometimes we go through times in our lives where we feel like we are delicate or fragile. That is ok , it's ok to feel like you're not strong at the moment. This is also a sign that something may need a delicate touch to deal with. Whether it be a difficult conversation, or a touchy situation it's best to handle it with peace and grace.

If this card appears reversed it may be a sign to check up on your own mental health. If you are feeling especially fragile or like every time the wind changes direction you feel a little piece of you fall apart, now is the time to sit with your emotions and really draw on your inner strength while asking yourself what you need to be stronger. Or maybe just cry and let yourself break down just a little , just to take the pressure off.


Magpie Ink Cap and Black Tourmaline


White Basket Fungus and Feldspar