Magpie Ink Cap and Black Tourmaline

Magpie Ink Cap and Black Tourmaline -

Element - Earth

Astrological Sign - All/Any Zodiac Signs

Magpie Ink Cap is a beautiful, striking black fungus with white scales. It occurs most commonly throughout Europe and is rumored to be poisonous.

Black Tourmaline the most common color of tourmaline, another name for it is Schorl. It's often more brittle than it's colored counterparts. Black Tourmaline is often hailed in the metaphysical community as the best of the best protection stone. It often symbolizes strength and psychic/energetic protection.

This card's message is a message of energetic protection. It doesn't necessarily mean to become energetically guarded, but instead to protect yourself boldly and stand beside yourself. (And yes, to protect yourself energetically if you feel it's needed) Sometimes in life we allow the voices of others to overshadow our own true intuition about a situation. While advice from others can be helpful, you must make decisions based on your own choices and not the opinions of others. Not everyone may approve of the decision you make, but sometimes that is the right decision even if it doesn't please everyone. Being a people pleaser can be exhausting and sometimes means making the wrong decision for the sake of everyone else's emotions. Don't wilt under pressure, and trust yourself. If you feel strongly about something, there's no guarantee that you are in the right, but you just might be. Especially if you have put lots of thought into it, and it doesn't feel right to go against it.

If this card appears reversed, it could mean that you are being too grounded or guarded in your own stance and that it might be time to loosen up a bit and consider the advice others are giving you.


Shaggy Mane Ink Cap and Hematite


Porcelain Fungus and Scolecite