Shaggy Mane Ink Cap and Hematite

Shaggy Mane Ink Cap and Hematite-

Element - Earth and Fire

Astrological Sign - Aries, Capricorn , Aquarius, Scorpio

Shaggy Mane Ink Cap is the better known of the Ink Cap family. It's edible when young and considered easy to identify as it's only look alike is also edible. It's renowned as a good mushroom for beginner foragers for that reason. The fruiting bodies are not long-lasting and deteriorate into black inky juice in a very short time. This black ink they create can also be used for writing.

Hematite is a metalloid that's often hailed as a grounding stone. It's known to be protective and soothing to emotions. It's also noted to be good for balancing sleeping habits. It's been described as a black cloak of emotional protection, but I compare it more to "the weighted blanket of stones" due to its depth and heaviness.

This card's message is to find your emotional outlet, or if you have one it's a sign that now is the time to do it. Whether it be art, writing ,music, video games, cooking or whatever else, now is the time to recede into the activity that grounds you. This card can also be a sign that you have been stressed or in a time of ungrounded emotional feedback, maybe your sleep has been suffering as a result. Ground into your favorite hobby, and also assess what's been causing your stress.

If this card appears reversed, the message could mean large stressors may be entering your life and this card should serve as a warning. You should prepare for this stress by planting your feet on the ground and opening up with the emotional preparation needed to take on emotional stress with a level head and a grounded approach.


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