Black Trumpet and Dendritic Quartz

Black Trumpet and Dendritic Quartz-

Element - All

Astrological Sign - All

Black Trumpet is one of the most beautiful and boldest flavors of edible mushrooms. Known to taste earthy, woody, intense and slightly sweet, this wild culinary mushroom is often compared to the flavor of truffles. Unusual for a mushroom, this species can grow in one of two ways, symbiotically with a host tree, or on it's own near stagnant water. They are found in Deciduous forests of the Northern Hemisphere.

Dendritic Quartz is a rather rare combo, despite both elements of this stone being rather common. Dendritic Quartz is Clear Quartz that is included with manganese or iron dendrite, which grows in a fern like fractal pattern. Dendrites occur as an inclusion in many stones, but clear quartz often makes the best window to view these delicate complex structures. In the Metaphysical Community, Dendrite represents fullness or abundance.

This card's message is of memories and comfort. Your life is so full of beautiful things and experiences. Each one a beautiful sentiment or memory, saved in the personal collection of your life. The message of this card is very simple. Take just a moment to appreciate these things. This card has some power to outshine negative cards next to it. That doesn't negate them or the experiences mentioned, but just goes to say, something here in this moment is worth dwelling on , it's comfort and happiness of things you cherish and remember.

If this card appears reversed, it means much the same as the upright version. However, it shows that you may be having a hard time recalling the good times, or seeing them in a joyful light. This happens to everyone from time to time, but look to the future .... There are always good times ahead, and new memories to make. The ones that you have, that feel that they've lost their luster , will polish up with time.


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