Turkey Tail and Sesspartine Garnet with Smoky Quartz

Turkey Tail and Sesspartine Garnet with Smoky Quartz -

Element - Earth , Fire , Water

Astrological Sign - Virgo, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Pisces

Turkey Tail is a colorful, small polypore mushroom that grows in woodlands throughout the world. Turkey Tail is undergoing research for its medicinal properties. It's used in herbalism practices for treating immune system disorders (and also it's used as a bit of a cure all). Though the research at this point is inconclusive, it supposedly does contain a lot of antioxidants and is not poisonous, but it is also not considered palatable.

Sesspartine Garnet, famously occurring with Smoky Quartz, is nicknamed "the garnet of the sun" for its bright orange color. Garnet is widely recognized as a grounding stone in metaphysical walks, but this one has a special meaning, and that is self-healing. The crystal commonly associated with it, Smoky Quartz, is also often associated with emotional self-healing.

This card's message is to heal yourself from passed injuries. It's time to recover from what you need to and come to terms with old injuries of the emotions, or the body which may be holding you back in life. This isn't necessarily an easy demand, but it is one that is necessary for the pursuit of happiness in life. If this is an in injury to your emotions per se , a grief, a grudge or whatever it may be, meditation and grounding may help , these can be some of the hardest wounds to heal, sometimes healing doesn't mean to make the problem go away and instead to just face it. If this is a wound of the body, this is simply just a call to take care of yourself and do what you need to be at your most comfortable. Don't underestimate the need for recovery time.

If this card appears reversed, it shows that maybe it's you that's been hurting yourself, and the message is very simply put. Don't be too hard on yourself and let yourself have a bit of freedom of mind. It could also be taken from a physical standpoint as a call-out to health damaging habits. Another possible translation of this card reversed could be that you are too grounded, creative approaches to things could be needed as you've been too stuck in reality and the current moment, and maybe have been taking a pessimistic approach to things. Lighten up a bit, shake it out and find a comfortable middle ground.


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