Cinnabar Oysterling and Confetti Sunstone

Cinnabar Oysterling and Confetti Sunstone-

Element - Fire

Astrological Sign - Libra, Virgo , Aries , Leo

Cinnabar Oysterling is a small bright red orange mushroom that while pretty rare has been sighted from Canada to Mexico, and even has been seen in parts of Europe. It grows on old decayed dead wood of hardwood trees.

Confetti Sunstone is a type of plagioclase feldspar with sparkling inclusions of hematite. Sunstone is considered a gemstone quality feldspar. Sunstone is so named for its brilliant color and is often said to represent solar energy in metaphysical communities. It's also considered a lucky , joyous and positive stone.

This card's message is a message of celebration. Now is a time to celebrate life and any goals that may have come to fruition. It can be an indicator for any parties or celebrations you might be attending such as birthdays, weddings, showers, graduations or housewarming parties. This can also signify that you maybe just need to get out and celebrate life a little more, especially if you have been cooped up lately.

If this card appears reversed, it has much the same meaning as the upright version of the card, just with a message to make sure you're pacing yourself and taking the downtime you need. Parties and celebration can come with a lot of stress for some. Don't feel bad if you need to have time to yourself and decompress.


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