Artist's Conk and Labradorite

Artist's Conk and Labradorite -

Element - water

Astrological Sign - Leo , Scorpio , Sagittarius

Artist's Conk is a woody bracket mushroom. This is a species with a wide distribution that can grow for many years. It's named for the ability to draw on the white underside of the mushrooms.

Labradorite is a member of the feldspar family that boasts beautiful color play when it is polished correctly. Labradorite takes skill to polish as the way the crystaline structure is formed catches light and reflects a color in the light spectrum in accordance with the way the plates face. Labradorite on it's own is a grey, green to white/colorless color. Not all Labradorite have color play and the more skilled the polisher, the more color can show. Labradorite is often associated with psychic gifts and calming. This card's message is to create.

This card is a good message and reminder for artists to go do art. For those who arn't artists, it's a message to maybe try to create something or pick up an artistic hobby. You don't have to paint , sculpt or draw. Remember that cooking is art too. So is music , crafting , dancing and many other things. Or maybe you need to take some time to appreciate art more. Either way, art is good for the soul.

If this card appears reversed, it may mean your feeling alittle burned out or not so confident in your creative efforts. This may be a sign to take a little step back or try to look at things from a different angle.


Green Elf Cup and Hemimorphite


Green Stropharia and Chrysoprase