Green Elf Cup and Hemimorphite

Green Elf Cup and Hemimorphite

Element - Water

Astrological Sign - Libra, Pisces

Green Elf Cup is a small greenish teal wood mushroom that often stains the wood it inhabits green. It grows on bark free wood and is most prominent on oak wood, though the fruiting bodies are rarely seen. This "Green Wood" is highly prized for wood working and wood crafting.

Hemimorphite is a blue to colorless stone that bares many formations. It's often associated with clearer speaking and thinking as well as self-love and uplifting emotions. Hemimorphite is often misunderstood as it wasn't separated as a different mineral from Smithsonite until the mid 1900s and now can be found being accidentally sold as Caribbean Calcite.

This cards message is to bring yourself to a clear mindset. Sometimes things need a clear and level headed approach. This card isn't a sign to be so cold that you lack caring or emotion. It's a sign to realize that emotion is valid but not always the smoothest coarse of action. This is a sign to walk away for a minute and collect yourself on whatever matter may be bothering you.

If this card appears reversed, it could show that things have been a bit noisy lately. Maybe you've just been too busy and to many things have been happening, making it hard to collect your thoughts well. Take some time to self care and relax, then perhaps try to organize your thoughts and feelings and figure out how to properly manage all the tiny things buzzing about.


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