Pixie's Parasol and Ajoite in Quartz

Pixie's Parasol and Ajoite Quartz-

Element - water and air

Astrological Sign - Virgo, Pisces, Aquarius

Pixie's Parasol is a small bright blue jelly like mushroom with a translucent fruiting body. It grows in Australia and New Zealand and is considering quite rare due to its limited distribution.

Ajoite Quartz is praised as one of the rarest and most beautiful quartz inclusions only having been found in a few mines in the world. Ajoite is a member of the copper family and it boasts the most beautiful bright Aqua color.

This cards message is a message of rarity. A rare opportunity may present itself in your life. This may very well be a once in a lifetime opportunity and it is urged that you take the chance. Another meaning of this card is to embrace your own rarety or the rarety of those around you. As everyone is unique and brings something bright and beautiful to this plain of experience.

If this card appears reversed, it could signal that you have passed a rare opportunity, and maybe your regretting it. It may be time to try to find your way back onto that path, or maybe it was for the better that you decided to pass on it. We make our own life paths for the most part and only we know what's best for.


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