Oyster Mushroom and Ammolite

Oyster Mushroom and Ammolite - Element - All Astrological Sign - Aries, Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Cancer

Oyster Mushrooms are one of the best-known and easiest cultivated culinary mushrooms. They are praised for being a sustainable seafood alternative because they are said to have a mild shellfish flavor. They come in blue grey, pink, gold and white and are found growing wild on dying trees.

Ammolite, the gemstone version of Ammonite Fossils, boasts beautiful powerful opalescent color. They are however made of Aragonite not opal. Ammonites were an ancient cephalopod that lived in the oceans during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Some could grow quite large. The largest ever found was incomplete but had it been complete it is thought that its diameter would have been close to 11.5 feet. Ammonites often represent cosmic balance as the way there shells formed follow the Fibonacci Sequence. Ammolite often symbolizes intuitive knowledge, balance, prosperity, cleansing negative energy and grounding.

This cards message Is a message of balance. Balance in life is a virtue. It often allows you to see both sides of a story or manage time properly. This is a good time to practice balance as you may be needing it. This card may also be a call to ground and pay attention to the balance of all things and how you are effecting that balance. Meditation is a great way to let go of energetic and thought baggage which may let you see the fragile balance that everything hangs in. It's also wise to know that at some point, things do fall out of balance and that that is ok. Falling out of balance is indeed a part of the balance.

If this card appears reversed, it generally carries the same meaning as the upright card but denotes to the need for even more focus on getting balanced.


Pixie's Parasol and Ajoite in Quartz


Tremella and Opal